Stöbern ...

24. Dezember 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all my lovely friends and of course my awesome family! 

It's been pretty much exactly one year since I applied for this exchange year and now it's already Christmas again, absolutely unbelievable! I hope y'all have had a nice December so far mine was quite interessting.
The last week of school for this year was pretty chill. We had our Blazers Christmas party on Tuesday which was one of the nicest evenings here so far. We all dressed up and went to Olive Garden (my new favorite restaurant), we ate and exchanged our gifts for secret santa and I got fluffy socks and Allegiant thanks again Liana! 

The Blazers, Choir and Band concert was Thursday evening and it was ... Embarrassing! Blazer's performed first and it all went pretty well until I tripped and almost fell!! I've never been so embarrassed in my life before! 
After that they sold some of the Christmas trees we decorated, then the choir sang, the band played a couple christmas songs and at the end everyone sang a couple Christmas songs together. Apart from me tripping it was a pretty good concert and my tree was sold for 45$! 
Friday we only had have a day of school and now we're off until the 6th yaaay!!
So what have we done so far? Sunday we drove up to Arlington to stay with my host aunt and uncle for a couple days and basically all we've done so far is going to Six Flags, play Yahtzee, watch Christmas-y movies and eat! Perfect weekend! 

Oh and of course I can't forget the package that my parents sent me and finally arrived on saturday! It's crazy how much you can miss food and how happy it can make you! 
No matter how many types of M&Ms they have here - German candy's the best candy!! 
That's it for now guys! I hope you have an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Talk to y'all later xoxo

17. Dezember 2013

Ja, I'm still alive

Howdy Guys!

I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything in such a looong time! I'm just way to busy to sit down and take the time to write something. But let's look at the bright side - I got A LOT of stuff to talk about, so let's start with my one and only homecoming week!
It all started with red, white and blue monday which meant we had to dress like the US-Flag, sadly not a lot of kids did it but the ones who did it went all out and we had some pretty cool human-flags.
Tuesday was hobo day which was the perfect day to be super comfy!It's so weird and exhausting to have school until 3.35pm every day with only one break of 30 minutes ( well more like 15-20 for Blazers) plus practice until 5, so being able to wear sweatpants and all that stuff was pretty nice.
Wednesday was Disney Day, which was my favorite day of the week. I dressed as Kim Possible and got quite a few compliments mainly because I was one of the few girls who did not dress up as a Disney princess. Thursday was throwback to the 80's and all I can say is that I'm pretty happy that I was born in the 90s and missed the 80s they were just a little bit to crazy for me. Friday was perhaps one of the best day's in my life so far we had a special pep rally and everyone wore their "mums". I'll keep mine forever that's for sure!
Pumkin craving 

Aren't theirs amazing?

Disney Day 

Twinning with Kaylee

In the evening we had our homecoming football game and what can I say? Our football team smashed Maypearl plus we did a pretty good job performing the traditional Homecoming Routine.

Homecoming performance

The next couple weeks were probably the most normal ones I've had here so far but it was actually pretty nice - for the first time I actually felt like everything was normal and school actually started to be really annoying. Sorry to crush y'alls illusion but no matter how fun High School seems in the end it's school. However, it got really excited a couple weeks ago because against all expectation we made it to the playoffs. Yep - Whitney High School made it to the football playoffs 2013 for the first time since 2005!!
It was crazy how proud everyone was to be a wildcat and boy, I'll never forget that game! Guys, I gotta tell you something - our football team is good but it's not amazing, there are teams in the playoffs who have won 10 out of 10 games we only won 5 out of 10 so yeah ... no one really thought we could beat Teaque... However the game was probably the most exciting game I've ever been to  ... and well - WE WON!!! The final score was 45:42 which meant we made it to the second round of playoffs for the first time since the 1980's or something like that!
Sadly we lost the next game however we're Bi-District Champs and everyone is so enormously proud of our boys!
Playoff Shirt
Anna <3

We beat Teague lions!
Senior night

Black-light Pep Rally

Our cute pep rally tops

After that football seasoned ended, noooo! I miss it so much and it makes me so sad to think that I'll never dance at a halftime show again... Alright because I start to over think that thought, lets talk about something else...
How about Thanksgiving. I already had my first Thanksgiving and it was amazing even though it went by waaay too fast. Thursday we went to my host moms sister where we all had an amazing dinner together, talked and watched football. Then we spend friday and saturday and my host aunt and uncle's and we went to SIX FLAGS and the zoo. I love roller coasters you guys know that and Six Flags had some pretty good ones. Yes, usually everyone goes black friday shopping on that friday but me? I'd rather go to Six Flags than go shopping any given day. I loved it so much! The rest of the weekend I spend with sleeping, cleaning and a little bit of shopping. I'm sad that my first Thanksgiving went by so fast but I refuse to say that it's my last one...
Thanksgiving food - YUM


Shock wave


So let's talk about the present. It's December 16th 2013, wait DECEMBER? It feels like Halloween was yesterday but it also feels like it was years ago. My life here is so busy, it's crazy but I also love it!
So what's new?
School has been very normal the last couple days and with not after school dance practices I actually have time to do my homework ... or just sleep a little bit more, or get creative and surprise people. I actually surprised all the Blazers with a "Boot" and chocolate on December the 9th (due to a little bit of ice we had no school on the 6th) and I also filled the office staff's stockings. I think they all liked it a lot and it made me feel a little bit more like home.

Our cute fire place in the Office

I have one last event to talk about because I have attempt to study and that is my very first speech meet, which I had this saturday. My type of exempt speaking is persuasive speaking which is basically like giving an informative speak with you're own opinion and you're trying to persuade the judge. We had about 60 topic's and per round we had to draw five and could choose one. My first topic was "What should German chancellor Angela Merkel do to find a compromise with the opposing party" or something like that. At first I thought this topic was perfect for me but then I noticed that without a note card it's really hard to give a good speech and well ... I placed 3rd out of 4. The second topic was a little bit better "Should China ban it's coal-fired power plants" I knew a lot more and my critique was way better, thought I forgot to quote almost all of my sources. I placed 3rd out of 5. My last topic was a shock at first "What should the US government do to lower the increasing debt" I knew absolutely nothing about that topic and we didn't have any files at all so guess what I did? I made the whole speech up, including making up articles in random newspapers. I don't know how it's possible but I placed 2nd out of 6! I'm so happy and since most of my critiques were pretty good I'm also a little bit proud of myself. Especially since no one wrote "weird accent" or "can't speak proper English".
So, that was basically the most exciting thing that has happened in the last couple days, as for this week I'm super busy again! Tomorrow we have the Blazers Christmas Party at OliveGarden (new favorite restaurant) and Thursday is the Winter concert where we actually going to be performing. I can't believe that Christmas is in a week and with that half time is getting closer ...
I miss home but I really don't want to leave. Whitney, with all my great friends here, has already become my second home and if that's how I feel about it now I really don't want to know what it'll be like in June ...
Before I start crying or something, I'm going to end this post.
I wish y'all a wonderful Christmas time!
A dream comes true


I might not have a soul but I do have the two cutest dogs

(excuse the billion mistakes, I'm tired!) 
Bye-bye little piglets 

15. Oktober 2013

Football, School, Blazers (aka my Life)

I guess I owe y'all another update but I'm going to be honest I basically don't have a life outside dance so don't be surprised (or bored) if most of my posts are going to be about dancing..

But let's talk a little bit about football first, shall we? I still remember my first game like it was yesterday but  it was almost 6 weeks ago! Since then a lot has changed- I am seeing football from a totally different perspective now not only because I'm not standing in the bleachers anymore but also because I finally understand (most of) it! I would have never thought that I'll enjoy watching football so much but I definitely have a new favorite sport to watch - sorry Fortuna.
Oh and for my German friends - I know what y'all are thinking and the answer is no ;)

Now for my classes and High School in general - my WHS is absolutely awesome and I still love my schedule. I know a lot of you want to know how difficult the classes are and all that stuff so here's my brief opinion:
Compared to the classes in Germany the classes here are easy-peasy, however since everything's in English it is kind of difficult for the first couple weeks. Like my math class for example we're doing things I did two years ago but the way how to write everything done et cetera is completely different so it's like you have to learn it again. My other classes are mostly very easy - Government was hard at the beginning because of all the new words but once you take the time to look most of them up it starts to make so much sense and actually get's quite interesting! Anatomy is hard for me because I don't know a lot of the stuff they did in Biology but everyone's so nice and helpful that I'm doing okay right now - shout out to everyone who helped me in that class - y'all basically saved my life. English is like German but sooo much easier because we never had to write long essays (even though I actually miss it...) and my other classes aren't even real classes that I have to study for so yeah - I love High School  and I am so happy that I already made some great friends here! So for y'all who are wondering - I'm feeling great and becoming an exchange student was the best decision of my life so far!

Now for a conclusion I have to write a little bit about dancing!
The day I wrote my last post was actually the day where we had a very special football game/halftime show because we performed with the Blazer Babes which was so much fun and they did such a great job! Sadly the week after that wasn't a very good week for us Blazers. We had to learn two new routines and because one of them had a stunt in it, it took us forever to finish it which ended in us messing up quite a lot in that one but luckily most kids still liked it and we had fun so I guess that's all that matters! However we all were kind of sad because the cutest girl ever Cyndi injured herself so bad 12 hours before the performance that she couldn't dance with us, and couldn't dance friday evening at the football game either (which was a okay performance I guess if you leave the fact out that three of us (including me) couldn't to the splits). We are a great team but we're not as awesome if someone's missing so we all hope that she'll be able to dance this friday!

This saturday I also went to my first haunted house ever with the German club and it was freaking awesome (and scary) even though I think that it's crazy that they have a maze with clowns with chainsaws in them who will chase you! At least I could shock them too  because in the third or fourth house Keele and I just started to sing "Ich bin win Gummibär" which totally confused some of the people. Speaking of German club, remember when I told y'all about UIL? Well, it looks like I'm not only going to do persuasive speaking but also a German play which means that I get to coach them in German - doesn't that sound like fun? I think it does!!
I'm getting really exciting when I think about all the up coming events like competitions, dances and holidays!
movie night with the awesome Blazers

Miranda <3 

Cell structure 

ready for the game!

never thought bus rides could be so much fun!

Normal friends kick your butt, she kicks your shoulder! 

I'm clever :D 

I'm in love with these boots!

Alright guys, I hope y'all are enjoying this post but I'll have to stop now because it's getting late and my bed is waiting for me! I'll talk to y'all very soon (or see you in school if you're on of my american friends) and I hope y'all are having an awesome week!

Lots of Love

5. Oktober 2013


Hey guys!
So this post is going to be in English but please do not expect it to be perfect! Writing in English might be easier than writing in German but it's still ... weird. Anyways, I don't have much time so I'm just going to start right away.
The last two weeks have been awesome but soooo freaking exhausting! My whole day consists of school, blazer practice and homework. I think I never had so little spare time in my life but y'all know what? I love it!
Yeah, school is getting quite difficult but it's okay because everyday I feel like I meet someone new and everyday is just full of surprises! With every day that passes I feel more and more like a real Wildcat and I could already start to cry when I think about leaving.
However, you might want to know a little bit more about my weeks. Though I have to skip a lot from last week because I just can't remember it all, sorry! But what I do remember is the awesome Rangers Game that I attended with a bunch of Exchange students - shout out to y'all - you are awesome! The rest of the week was basically just Blazer practice and performances. I finally had my first pep-ralley performance and it was ... horrible and awesome at the same time! I was so nervous but it was so much fun at the same time! Saturday we had "Blazer Babes" which means that we taught little kids how to dance, they were so sweet but it was so difficult to team them everything - however they're pretty good and I'm so excited to seem them all tonight! (Pictures and hopefully a video will follow soon!)
So, let's talk real quick about this week - this week was EXHAUSTING! Every inch (cm) of my body hurts so much and oh my god, I didn't even know that those parts of my body could hurt that much.
I had my second performance today and I think I did a lot better then on my first one but I still think ... well that it looked horrible! Dancing takes so much effort, work and perfection and I'm going to be honest I'm a long way from dancing the way I hope to dance one day but I hope I'll get there within the next months! Because even though it's exhausting as hell I notice with every day how much I love to dance! Joining the Blazer's was the best decision I've made so far and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
It's just that feeling that you get  when you perform, or even the singing during the football game it's just awesome and I finally start to understand football which makes me really proud and makes watching it even more nerve racking because our team is awesome - GO WILDCATS!
I also wanted to mention my awesome Blazer Team - they are the coolest, sweetest, weirdest girls I've ever met and I am so thankful that I'm part of the Team - LOVE Y'ALL.

As you might noticed I'm super hyper right now, it's just that I am so happy here! I don't think Aspect could have found a more perfect placement for me, my host family is super awesome, my school is great and ah ... Everything's more then great and I hope y'all are fine and having a great weekend!
Talk to y'all soon
Bye-bye <3

23. September 2013

A fantastic Week!


ich möchte euch gerne von meiner fantastischen Woche erzählen!
Zugegeben sie fing nicht ganz so perfekt an, weil ich die ersten beiden Tage krank war und zu Hause bleiben musste dadurch hab ich ziemlich viel in der Schule verpasst (ist echt heftig was man hier in zwei Tagen verpasst!) und auch im Training hab ich so viel verpasst das ich bei der Pep Rallye nicht mit tanzen konnte, naja. Als ich am Mittwoch dann jedoch wieder in die Schule kam haben mich alle soo herzlich begrüßt und ein paar haben total schockiert erzählt dass sie dachten das ich zurück nach Deutschland geflogen bin - bin ich ja zum Glück nicht!
Der Rest der Woche war sooo anstrengend weil ich so viele Hausaufgaben hatte und neben bei mal eben 38 "anatomische" Begriffe auswendiglernen musste was echt kompliziert ist weil ich teilweise nicht mal die deutschen geschweige denn englischen Wörter kenne ausserdem habe ich jeden Tag circa 3 Stunden Tanztraining und manchmal sogar mehr, kein Wunder also das ich jeden Tag um kurz vor zehn ins Bett falle und sofort einschlafe...
Aaaber, die Woche war trotzdem richtig toll weil ich mich zum ersten mal so richtig wohl gefühlt habe. Die Mädels aus meinem Team wachsen mir jeden Tag mehr ans Herz und die Leute in meinen verschiedenen Klassen auch! Ich freue mich einfach jeden morgen auf einen neuen Tag und jeden Tag passieren so viele tolle/neue/lustigen Dinge das ich die Hälfte schon wieder vergessen hab weil einfach sooo viel passiert aber ich will euch unbedingt von Freitag erzählen!
Freitag bin ich also um 5:15 aufgestanden weil ich schon um 6:30 in der Schule sein musste für Blazer Practice, das geht dann bis zur ersten Stunde (8:20) und mir fällt grade auf, dass ihr noch gar nicht meinen neuen Stundenplan kennt also werden ich denn mal ganz schnell aufschreiben!

1. Algebra 2 
2. Government
3. Anatomy & Physiology 
4. English IV 
5. Yearbook
6. Dance (Blazer Practice)
7. Debate 
8. Office Aide

Mir gefällt mein neuer Stundenplan 100 mal besser als mein alter, einfach weil English IV wesentlich anspruchsvoller ist als English III (offensichtlich), in Yearbook alle meine Freunde sind und Office Aide mir ziemlich viel beibringt und es ganz lustig ist so einen Blick hinter die Kulissen zu haben!
Trotzdem ist ein Schultag hier sooo lang und danach hab ich meistens auch noch 2 Stunden Practice. Ausser Freitags, diesen Freitag hatten wir nämlich ein "away game" was heißt, dass wir nach der letzten Stunde 30 Minuten hatten um uns umzuziehen, zu schminken und unsere Haare zu machen - ihr könnt euch vorstellen dass das im totalen Chaos endet. Aufjedenfall sind wir (Blazer und Cheerleader) dann zusammen nach Waco gefahren wo wir erstmal was gegessen haben. Ich bin zusammen mit Sierra, Kat, Keele und Brooke zu "Fazoli's" gegangen was ein italienisches Restaurant ist. Sierra hat die ganze Busfahrt über mir so komisch Fragen gestellt aber im Fazoli's hat sie dann echt den Vogel abgeschossen - mitten im Essen schreit sie plötzlich "simst du mit deinen Freunden auf DEUTSCH?!" die Frage hat mich so belustigt das ich Tod ernst geantwortet habe "Nö, in Schwedisch" und sie hat es mir geglaubt! Selbst dann noch als alle anderen sich weggedacht haben! Manche kennen hier echt keinen Sarkasmus haha.
Nach dem Essen ging es weiter nach Robinson wo das Spiel stattfand, leider hat es geregnet was heißt das wir Blazer im ärmellosen Paillettentop fast erfroren sind! Während des Football Games tanzen wir immer nur so kurze einfache Routine aber in der Halftime show hieß es dann Showtime! Wir sind zusammen mit der Marching Band auf das FootballFeld marschiert und haben performt! Ich bin fast vor Aufregung ohnmächtig geworden aber im Endeffekt war es gar nicht sooo schlimm. Immerhin hatte ich keinen Hustenanfall, bin nicht auf dem nassen Grass ausgerutscht und habe die Schritte nicht vermasselt (jedenfalls nicht total). Ich war und bin immer noch so stolz auf mich! Jetzt kann es nur noch besser werden und ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Performance! 
Ich bin dann abends um 12 Uhr erst zu Hause angekommen und hab dann erst mal bis 11.30 durch geschlafen. Den Samstag über haben wir nicht viel gemacht was mir nur zu recht war weil ich einfach mal nur im Bett liegen wollte! 
Sonntag (also heute) sind wir in die Kirche gegangen und danach an den See (Lake Whitney) gefahren - dort ist es sooo schön und obwohl es nur 28° Grad war hab ich einen Sonnenbrand bekommen, leider konnten wir nicht lange bleiben aber wir werden da wohl noch mal diese oder nächste Woche hinfahren - yey! Abends sind wir dann wieder zur Kirche gefahren, weil dort so eine Art Pferde Treffen war wo man Reiten konnte. Geritten bin ich zwar nicht, aber es war schön mal die Leute aus meiner Kirche ein bisschen besser kennen zu lernen! Gegen 8 Uhr sind wir dann wieder nach Hause gekommen und haben was gegessen, jetzt ist es 11 Uhr und ich sollte eigentlich für Anatomy lernen, aber stattdessen sitze ich hier und schreibe diesen Post - was tut man nicht alles für seine Familie und Freunde :D 
Diese Woche wird vermutlich wieder total spannend weil ich morgen Blutspende, Mittwoch zu meinem ersten Baseball Spiel mit meiner ersten Freundin hier und anderen Austauschschülern fahre, Donnerstag wieder bis spät abends Practice habe und Freitag das nächste away Game ist. Ich bin jetzt schon aufgeregt!
Ich hoffe euch daheim geht es gut, ich vermisse euch und Deutschland schon aber gleichzeitig habe ich eine fantastische Zeit hier :) 
Ich melde mich so bald wie möglich wieder!

(Post in English will follow as soon as possible!)

Blazer Practice Outfit


Wir Blazer "singen" den in Zeichensprache!

Ravioli und Anatomy - wuhu 


Welliges Haar nachdem es fast 5 Stunden eingedreht war und dank dem Regen klatschnass wurde

Blazer's <3

Sunny <3

Lake Whitney
